A glimpse into the future

Our sustainability strategy includes baby steps to bring abig change in the local area.


Our commitment to the environment

Our sustainability strategy involves small steps to make a big change in the local area.Mitigating our impact on the local area and climate starts from the foundation of the company, and that is why, we have invested in technological solutions that have improved our way of life and production on a quality level.


Recycled plastic

Blowpack has obtained certification to reduce plastic waste and value waste from separate collection.
This is one of the key building blocks toward environmental protection and corporate sustainability. Specifically, the certification is crucial because it introduces the concept of "quality" in recycled plastics, thanks in part to the concept of "traceability" of recycled materials.
The certification refers to the recycled percentages reported in the August 4, 2004 circular implementing DM 203/2003 on Green Public Procurement, and to the UNI EN ISO 14021 standard.
The use of recycled materials stems from the need to make goods made from recycled plastics that are destined for public administrations and/or companies with predominantly public capital, as well as large-scale retail trade (GDO), more visible and more easily identifiable, and to create a brand value to be spent in terms of marketing and visibility to the consumer of the packaging.